
Celebrating Success: AGS Project Multiplier Event at CEIP Los Albares

Celebrating Success: AGS Project Multiplier Event at CEIP Los Albares
On June 26th, we held the multiplier event for the AGS project at our school. The event was hosted on campus and attended by students, families, and local and regional education representatives. Among the notable attendees were the Mayor of the town, Pilar Villanueva, and the Councilor of Education, Lourdes López. We were also joined by two representatives from the provincial training center, Cristina Frías and Javier Orna, who were eager to learn more about the project.

The first part of the session featured a general presentation of the AGS project, where we outlined the four main objectives we focused on and the skills we aimed to develop in our students. We detailed the process of piloting the project, presenting a comparison of the pre-assessment and post-assessment results, which highlighted the students' progress from the start to the completion of the project.

Following the presentation, we hosted a lunch where we took the opportunity to answer questions and discuss the implementation of the project in more detail.

The second part of the session was dedicated to showcasing the pilot projects conducted in the 3rd, 5th, and 6th-grade classrooms. Attendees showed great interest in understanding how this project can be applied in everyday classroom activities.

The work carried out through the AGS project aligns with the curriculum requirements outlined by our legislation. The project offers a unique approach to integrating traditional Spanish curriculum subjects with digital technology, enabling students to produce meaningful outcomes.

All of this information has been shared with the educational community through our dedicated website. You can explore the AGS School Project site here: AGS School Project.

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