
Engaging Students in Climate Action: A Digital Narrative Journey at Vivlos Primary School

Engaging Students in Climate Action: A Digital Narrative Journey at Vivlos Primary School
In the framework of the pilot implementation of the Erasmus+ project entitled "Act Greener in School through Digital Narratives", the Vivlos Primary School of Naxos participated with 2 teachers and students aged 10-12 years old, a total of 48 students.

The experience of participating in the project was unique. Most of the activities from the teacher's guide were utilized and in all phases of the pilot implementation the active participation of the students was ensured with activities of a discovery and exploratory nature. 

Initially, the topic of climate change was studied, and the dimensions of the problem were explored by brainstorming the students' ideas. After, identifying the problem and its consequences on a global level, the students investigated the ways in which climate change can manifest itself in the local environment, as well as the problems it can cause in the future. 

In order to better understand the local dimensions of the problem of climate change, field trips were conducted to study the local environment and conduct experiments, students talked to experts on climate change and interviewed municipal environmental officers, and environmental activities were carried out to raise awareness and spread the message of environmental protection. The next stage explored how to take action to bring change into everyday practice and how to inform adults and the students concluded that they should use media and social media to inform citizens with digital stories. 

The students then worked in groups and wrote the stories and after directing them they proceeded to digitize them. Various techniques were used to achieve this and then the purpose-built platform was utilized, and the stories were published on the project website and the school website.

To sum up, this evaluation, we can say that the students enjoyed the experience and it really added value to their school life. Regarding the teachers and the value of the educational material produced, we believe that this material should be disseminated and adopted by the educational community. Specifically for the Bible Primary School, a training activity will be carried out at the beginning of the next school year to create a digital history and its pedagogical value with the aim of its adoption by the school's teachers.

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