
Acting Greener in Schools through Digital Narratives- Final Transnational Project Meeting

Acting Greener in Schools through Digital Narratives- Final Transnational Project Meeting
The final transnational project meeting took place in Thessaloniki (Greece) on the 3rd and 4th of June 2024. The meeting was hosted by Stimmuli for social change who warmly welcomed everyone and ensured the meeting ran smoothly.

On the first day, all partners presented their results from the piloting phase held in the partner countries' schools from 2023 until May 2024. Partners shared valuable insights from the pilot phases, incorporating feedback from both students and educators to refine the AGS Student Curriculum further. Furthermore, we discussed the ActGreenStory Teachers Training Lab program, making final adjustments based on educators' feedback. By the end of the day, the consortium concentrated on dissemination activities and the final adjustments of the AGS website and platform.

On the second day of the meeting, we focused on administrative and financial organization as the consortium outlined the final steps to be taken before the project’s completion. We are thrilled that our collaborative and co-creative processes have produced such positive and fruitful outcomes. 

Our next step? 

Tutorial videos on digital storytelling and testimonial videos from teachers will be published on YouTube.
You can explore students’ stories from Iceland, Greece, Belgium, Spain and Germany on our website: 

Follow on social media #actgreenstory #actgreener to keep in touch with us. 

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